Our Palliative Care Team
We take the responsibility of providing palliative care for you, your loved one, or your patient very seriously. That’s why our palliative care team is staffed with well-trained professionals who collaborate with your current medical team to achieve the greatest possible relief.
The responsibilities of our palliative care team members.
Your palliative care team should work to make life better for our patients, their family and their healthcare team. This includes:
Initial and ongoing meetings to determine needs, concerns, goals, which treatments to pursues, etc.
Prescribing treatments, medications and activities to manage pain and other symptoms and side-effects
Providing medical and emotional support and guidance throughout the entire process
Allowing the healthcare providers to focus on treatment while we ensure your comfort
Helping guide patients and their families through the healthcare system and coordinating all medical needs
Frontier palliative care team members.
Your personal palliative care team members at Frontier will include:
Nurse practitioner
Medical social worker
Members of this team will be in frequent contact with you to ensure you’re getting everything you need.
8741 S Greenwood Ave Ste
Chicago, Illoinis 60619
Fax: 773-234-0394